Valuation Basics
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What is was created to provide the same cutting edge valuation and forecasting tools to the individual investor that the Company has developed for financial professionals throughout the US and Asia. Based on the research and conclusions of Dr. Zhiwu Chen, professor of finance at Yale University's School of Management, the ValuEngine Stock Valuation Model represents the next generation of valuation and forecasting technology. With its own research team working to design and refine practical applications of economic and financial theory, is a solid bridge between the academic world and the financial marketplace. Previously accessible only by equity fund managers and other professionals, our proprietary computer models are now available to private investors. They will enhance your ability to evaluate individual stocks, manage your portfolio, and allocate capital for maximum returns. Detailed instructions for the use of these tools are available throughout our site. For more information, please click on our site tour or contact us at
<Top> uses new financial technology. Does it have a track record?
Yes it does. First, a 14 month real world market test was made by running the Infinity Fund LP hedge fund entirely with the valuation and forecasting tools. During this time, the fund consistently outperformed the S&P 500. The ValuEngine Stock Valuation model was also back-tested over a fifteen year period, rigorously using out-of-sample signals. The Valuation Model outperformed the S&P 500 throughout this period. More information on the back-testing methodology is available in the research findings section of our site.

Do I have to be a "value investor" to benefit from using
Not at all. The ValuEngine "toolbox" contains valuation and forecasting techniques that are valuable no matter what kind of investor you may be, or what drummer you may march to. For example, with our screening function, we'll help you select stocks that match your risk tolerance level with the returns you'd like to see. Then, our Portfolio Functions will help you allocate your capital across the stocks in your portfolio to help you reach your stated investment objective. Whether you are a day trader, or are accumulating assets for your retirement, you'll find what you need to help you reach your goals in your toolbox.

How does differ from other financial forecasting sites?
ValuEngine is firmly rooted both in the academic world and in the financial marketplace. This duality of purpose unites theory and practice in a way that is unique to our company, and has been instrumental in our ability to distill practical applications from a significant body of economic and financial research. The result has been new and more effective methods of asset valuation and market forecasting. These in turn have engendered proprietary investment tools such as our Stock Evaluation Model and its benchmark Model Price for individual stocks, stock portfolios and even whole indexes like the S&P 500 and our Portfolio Advisor function and portfolio forecasting service. The full range of advisory and analytical capabilities provided by exist nowhere else in the investment advisory service universe.

What is the "the stock universe"?
All of the stocks listed on United States stock exchanges and on the NASDAQ, including 700 foreign stocks and ADRs.

Who is the principal architect of
ValuEngine's proprietary financial models and research efforts were created and continue to be analyzed by a combination of academics and wall street professionals. ValuEngine's team continues to test the effectiveness of the models, track performance, and investigate possibilities to further improve the models. In addition, research to cover foreign markets such as Tokyo has begun. While no one individual is responsibile for the entire research project, the combination of academics from Ivy League institutions and wall street professionals bring together theory and actual practice. For additional information on the actual academic research that serves as the basis for ValuEngine's research project, please see the following papers:

Is my information submitted to secure?
Yes. All information in your registered account is kept strictly confidential. has no contact with any third party marketers or other potentially interested parties.

What is an "investor type"?
Depending on their financial goals, investors have different levels of risk tolerance and varying time frames within which they seek to achieve results. At one end of the spectrum we have the day-trader, who operates in the buying and selling of financial instruments within the same trading day and typically has a strong tolerance for risk, while at the other end we find relatively risk-averse investors managing retirement plans or college funds. The word "type" refers to your personal investment objective more than anything else. Regardless of your risk tolerance, ValuEngine offers you invaluable help in realizing your financial goals.
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